Racine County, WI
Home MenuFAQ
Q: When and Where do I pay my property taxes?
A: Real estate property tax bills are prepared and mailed mid-December by your local municipality. The first installment or full payment is due by January 31 and paid to the municipality.
For all County of Racine municipalities, except for the City of Racine, there are two installments allowed; January 31st and July 31st. First installment payments or payments in full made prior to January 31st are collected by your local municipality. All second installment payments and delinquent payments after January 31st are to be paid to the Racine County Treasurer.
For City of Racine properties, the City allows taxpayers to pay in four installments: January 31st, March 31st, May 31st and July 31st to the City. Please contact them at 262-636-9171 for payment information. After July 31st, all delinquent payments are payable to the Racine County Treasurer.
Please note: if the any installment payment is late or short, all remaining taxes become due and interest and penalty starts accruing as of February 1st. Installment options would no longer be valid.
IN PERSON: Racine County Treasurer’s Office, Racine County Courthouse, 730 Wisconsin Av, Racine WI 53403. We accept cash, checks, and money orders.
DROP BOX: (no cash) Located outside Racine County Courthouse on Wisconsin Ave
DROP-OFF SITE: Burlington City Hall, 300 N Pine St, Burlington
MAIL: Racine County Treasurer, 730 Wisconsin Ave, Racine WI 53403-1274
CREDIT CARD/ELECTRONIC CHECK: 1-800-272-9829 or www.officialpayments.com jurisdiction code 5835
Q: My payments are delinquent. May I make monthly payments on them?
A: Yes. We encourage taxpayers to set up a regular payment plan to assist in getting delinquent taxes paid in full.
Q: Why am I being charged interest and penalty?
A: If the entire amount of your first installment is not paid in full to your local municipality on or before January 31st, then two things will occur:
First, per Wisconsin State Statue 74.11 (7) & 74.12 (7), you will be assessed a 1.5% interest and penalty charge per month beginning February 1st.
Second, you will lose the option of paying your taxes in installments for the current year. The entire amount of your taxes would be due and any unpaid balance will continue to accrue interest and penalty until the taxes are completely paid in full.
Q: Can you forgive some of the interest and penalties on my delinquent taxes?
A: No. State of Wisconsin law 74.47 (1) & (2) sets interest and penalties on delinquent tax amounts. There are no allowances to make any adjustments in those laws.
Q: What resources in the area are available to me?
A: Please refer to our "Taxpayer Assistance Resources" brochure for a complete list of helpful resources.