Become a Sports Referee and a Lifeguard

Are you in high school or older and want to become more involved in your sports AND make some extra money? Become a Sports Referee!

“There is no better part-time job or hobby for you to make a little extra money doing something you enjoy than through officiating. It's the perfect extra gig for anyone from a high school student, to a parent to a retiree.”

#SayYesToOfficiating, National Association of Sports Officials (NASO)and the Racine Lakeshores Officials Association (RLOA) are both based here in Racine, WI and offer information, literature, and trainings for anyone who is interested in becoming a sports official.

Are water sports and swimming more your thing and you want a cool summer or part time job? Racine County needs lifeguards! Enjoy hanging out at the pools, aquatic centers and beaches while keeping our kids and families safe.

Please press on the icons below to learn more.
